Thursday, November 22, 2012

In Thanksgiving

I am sitting here in the comfort of my little sister's living room, listening to the Christmas music that is ever-present whenever either of my younger siblings is in the vicinity (starting in August, usually) and smelling the turkey as it cooks. It is hard to imagine that just a few days ago I was in the midst of a hysterical crowd of grieving relatives as they followed their loved ones to the hospital morgue, then dashed home down the dusty road against the vehicles speeding by, politely declining the motorcycle taxi drivers, and hastily packed a bag to return to the US for a week's stay. After an absolutely gorgeous series of flights piloted by a generous volunteer doctor who makes monthly visits to the St. Luc hospital, I met my sister and am getting acquainted with Athens, GA, her current place of residence. And the simple luxuries of American life have embraced me - a comfortable bed, delightful hot showers, raking the crunching leaves, weather suitable for layers and space heaters, amply-supplied grocery stores, quick phone calls and texts to stateside friends, the hilarious dynamics of five adult family members sharing a small living space, a pleasant and low-key canine companion, a fabulous haircut, new old clothes, wireless internet, Pandora playing via computer.  A few hours airborne takes me from one world to quite another.

Rather than go all verbose this time around, I will show you just a few of the moments and people for which I am grateful.

My friend Genessa, who I met during my first trip to Haiti. Here we are with one of our patients, who was transferred to the US soon after arrival at our field hospital. Genessa has inspired me to be courageous and step out in faith.

My sisters, Christine and Margaret. (I'm the tan one!) As one uncle put it, we would make a great sitcom - probably true!

Stanley, aka Mr. Sunshine. This kid is happiness personified.
My beautiful friend Amy, who encouraged me to embrace faith instead of fear and continues to do so. Here we are with just a few of my entourage!
The determination of the Haitian people: Haiti will not die. Haiti cannot die.
The babes! 33 of them in all - there is nothing like hearing your name chanted by these little voices.

A typical greeting upon my arrival at St. Louis

Beautiful Erline, my girl. Her transformation has been amazing.

Maxuel, who has become more and more brave.
My awesome roommate Dani, who above all things reminded me not to take things too seriously! And introduced me to Harry Potter.
Amazing countryside

Christo, and the many other little heroes who are fighting cancer with everything they've got. Their smiles melt the heart and belie their serious illness. These are the bravest of the brave.

A new clinic, with two of my three colleagues! They have accepted me with humor and grace, and are great learners.
The Caribbean Sea. 
This is just a sampling - there are countless other moments and people that have impacted me over the past eighteen months. Thank you, followers of my story and encouragers of this journey, who have supported me in a myriad of ways and have allowed me to serve. Your support is beyond measure. Happy Thanksgiving - may we never forget to be grateful!

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